Our Leadership & Staff
Engaged members, volunteer leaders. We are here to support you.
NSR Governance
We strictly adhere to our Bylaws and take membership responsibilities seriously. Every member and prospective member of NSR must be familiar with and agree to abide by the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®, as well as the Constitutions, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the local, state and national associations.
The association is governed by a Board of Directors elected at the association’s annual meeting. The activities and programs of the association are accomplished through committees and work groups approved by the NSR President and are subject to the confirmation of the Board of Directors. NSR’s professional staff works in partnership with its volunteers to implement and provide quality programs and services.
We are only as good as our people
We encourage all members to contribute their time and expertise by taking on leadership roles. We are always looking for new ideas and fresh perspectives on our committees, task forces, and leadership team.
Not only does NSR gain from your involvement, but you also benefit by developing leadership skills and increasing your visibility.
Contact us to learn how you can take a more active role in NSR.