Proposed Zoning Changes in Haverhill
August 8th at 4:35pm.
At their August 8th meeting, the Haverhill City Council discussed inclusionary zoning, updating the city’s Housing Production Plan, and reducing the minimum lot size in the Medium Density (RM) and Rural Density (RR) zones.
The inclusionary zoning ordinance would require 10% of the units of developments with ten or more units to be affordable at 80% AMI. Rather than build the affordable unit, a developer does have the option of making an in lieu of payment to the Haverhill Affordable Housing Trust. If the developer does decide to build the affordable unit, they will receive a density bonus to offset the cost.
Regarding the Haverhill Housing Production Plan, Haverhill implemented their last HPP in 2018. The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission is providing consultation services on a new HPP.
Lastly, there is a proposal to reduce the minimum lot in the RM zoning district from 20,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. and to reduce the minimum lot size in the RR zoning district from 80,000 sq. Ft. to 40,000 sq. Ft.
These agenda items will be revisited at the November 28 City Council meeting.
Updates will be posted on the NSR blog.